Salaeha Shariff and Barry Williams
Brad Newsome, Ph.D., 2015-16 Executive Branch Fellow, National Institutes of Health
Now: Health Scientist Administrator, National Institutes of Health
Brad Newsome is a program official in the Center for Translation Research and Implementation Science (CTRIS) at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In his position within the CTRIS Health Inequities and Global Health Branch, he oversees a global health-related research portfolio addressing late-stage implementation science research that is geared toward turning proven heart, lung, blood and sleep health discoveries into sustainable health outcomes in populations throughout the world. Brad provides scientific and programmatic leadership for NHLBI’s Hypertension Outcomes for T4 REsearch within Lower Middle-Income Countries and T4 Translation Research Capacity Building Initiative in Low Income Countries programs, as well as institutional oversight of the Fogarty Global Health Training Program.
As a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, Brad was in the NIH Office of the Director, Scientific Workforce Diversity office, where he oversaw the efforts of the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director Working Group on Diversity.
In addition to his public service at NIH, he did his postdoctoral training within the NIH-NIEHS Superfund Research Program Center at the University of Kentucky, where he directed the Center’s graduate and postdoctoral transdisciplinary training efforts and translated the Center’s ongoing environmental health-related research innovations to relevant stakeholders, including state and federal policymakers and regulators, industry partners for technology transfer, and at-risk populations across Kentucky.
Brad is a humanitarian at heart, driven by the idea that the biomedical innovations we are working hard to develop to address health disparities here at home can and will go on to transform lives around the world.
Emma Locatelli, PhD 2016-17 American Geoscience Institute/AAAS Congressional Science Policy Fellow, Office of Senator Tom Udall's (D-NM)
Emma Locatelli is a geoscientist with expertise in paleontology and fossil preservation, currently serving as the American Geoscience Institute/AAAS Congressional Science Policy Fellow in Senator Tom Udall's (D-NM) office. In her host office, she is working on issues related to climate, the environment, natural resource management, drought, public lands, space, and STEM education.
During her Ph.D., she integrated biology, chemistry, and geology and to investigate how non-mineralized organisms, such as plants and insects, become fossils.
Emma is passionate about education, outreach, and service, and balanced her research program with commitments to teaching, presenting science to the public, and working with scientific societies and lawmakers to advocate for science. Her experiences during graduate school bolstered her long-standing interest in the intersection of science, policy, and the public.
Emma holds a Ph.D. in Paleontology.